Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm in a rut... multiple ruts... this metaphor just exploded.

I can't seem to focus on this blog, so here's the obligatory "I might not be blogging for awhile" post. Look out, here it comes:

Yep, folks, whoever is reading this thing, it's not because I don't care about the planet. I just don't have the time to blog. Time management continues to be one of those skills that needs refinement. So while I always keep my love for creation close, here's the skinny: I work, I run a choir, I host a bible study, I give guitar (and banjo) lessons, I try to snag the occasional gig or two, I'm looking to record, I practice, and... I have to do all the normal people things, too, like shop for groceries and yell at Comcast about how I don't think I should have to pay sixty bucks for internet.

Right now I just want to focus on my job, my music, and drawing close to things that give me life. Unfortunately, the eco-blog doesn't currently rank on that list, but I'm hopeful that it will, someday. Possibly there will be a music blog, but I'm not keen on crossing the two different types of blogs. I dunno. I'll think about it. If you have an idea, I'm all ears.

Thanks for understanding. Catch ya on the flip side.